Pilates classes for
all ages in english or French



Pilates is accepted as one of the most effective and transformative practices for your body enabling  sustainable and lasting change.

Having a Pilates body means you will feel stronger, longer and leaner but also feel relief of physical tension and mental stress.

I want my clients to realise their bodies full potential and give it what it deserves – to treat it with love and care and to move fearlessly.

Whatever your age and whether you want to feel healthier, stronger or happier

Amanda Andrews Pilates is for you!

The human body is an amazing and sophisticated machine, and like all such machines it deserves the best maintenance possible to function effectively.

Your body is amazing and deserves to age well.

At Amanda Andrews Pilates I offer small classes with a maximum of 6 clients to ensure you get the best possible attention.

See What We Can Offer

Benefits of Pilates

It has been proven medically and scientifically that Pilates is the most effective exercise for your back pain. Read More.

Who is PIlates for?

At Amanda Andrews Pilates there is a class for everybody.  Read More

Scoliosis and Pilates

As a scoliosis warrior, I have specialized in exercises for the improvement of this condition. Read More.

About Amanda

I am a mum , living in the beautiful Uzège (France) with my husband and family of two very active boys , a menagerie of animals and two dogs. Read More.

The Studio

An independent and secluded building, set at the far end of a very large garden and surrounded by trees, with the River Gardon a step away Read More


Membership is per school term, and details of the dates are sent out at the beginning of each year. Read More.

Customer Testimonials


“Our Thursday morning pilates class has become one of the highlights of my week. You have encouraged me to do exercises that I could not manage in my 40s and with your charm and laughter our class is fun and so liberating.

Pilates is a wonderful way to learn to breathe and stretch those tired limbs and thoroughly enjoy an hour of great inner peace within the professional caring hands of Amanda.”


“I so look forward to my Pilates classes every week, not only does Amanda make them enjoyable, but my core strength is so improved I no longer suffer with the bad back that has dogged me all my adult life, leaving me unable to move and scared to lift anything. I feel that Amanda lessons should keep me moving well for many years to come.”


“Pilates with Amanda is the best thing that could have happened to my body. I am much stronger and more supple than before. Most importantly my arthritic knees are more mobile and my wrists, which used to be fairly weak, can now support a plank. Something I never thought I’d be able to do! I always look forward to Tuesday and Friday mornings. Thank you Amanda for your teaching skill and unceasing encouragement”


“I was pretty sceptical about joining a Pilates group.” Isn’t it a ladies thing? I’m too old for all this”. After a couple of sessions I realised how wrong I was! I’ve been with Amanda for 3 years, doing a weekly Zoom lesson. Her individual attention and planned progression of exercises has made a huge difference to my overall fitness, well-being and agility.  She also takes great care with individual’s specific health issues. Simply the best! I will be jumping tall buildings next week.”

Jean Christian

“Les cours de Pilate donnés par Amanda sont formidables . chaque cours est différent et intéressant .

Cette pratique hebdomadaire m’a permis de gagner en souplesse, de refaire des mouvements que je n’avais plus à faire, de faire des abdos de manière ludique .

J’avais essayé d’autres professeurs de pilate mais que j’ai abandonnés car je n’étais pas satisfait. Avec Amanda j’ai retrouvé le goût du pilate . Et j’adore


“Regular pilates sessions with Amanda keep a chronic back problem (from which I suffered intermittently for years), at bay.

It’s also a fantastic overall workout, and Amanda’s eagle eye spots anything you mix-ght be doing a little bit wrong! Her instructions are clear and the classes are varied and fun.

Even the Zoom sessions are more effective than I had expected, but nothing truly replaces the in-person sessions in her idyllic woodland setting.”


“if I could clone Amanda and have her refreshing, skillful and enjoyable talents guide me through all of my Pilates days.

Amanda has a remarkable knowledge of Pilates and its benefits to fitness. She is both delightful and skillful guiding each of her students to ensure proper techniques.

I split my time between France and the US and when I am in the US, I can’t wait to return to Pilates with Amanda”

Marie France

“Voici plus de 3 ans que je suis les cours de Pilates avec Amanda.

Au départ, je ne connaissais rien et Amanda m’a tout appris avec gentillesse et efficacité.

Maintenant, sans conteste, je me sens plus forte et le Pilates m’aide à garder souplesse et agilité.
Les cours , en petit comité, sont une réelle détente et un vrai moment de bonheur.”