As a scoliosis warrior, I have specialized in exercises for the improvement of this condition. I was diagnosed with scoliosis at the age of 11 and although through dance I managed to keep strong, it was not until my early 20’s whilst living in Australia, that I was introduced to Pilates and haven’t looked back since. The relief from pain this provided as well as the ability to manage my scoliosis were impressive and still are to this day.

Initially I was diagnosed with a 35 degree reverse C Curve. A recent x-ray showed a 11 degree improvement on this. I believe that it is Pilates that has helped me strengthen, heal and provide massive pain relief.

Helping others to a quality, pain-free life is my passion. I have found that my scoliosis clients gain confidence, develop an improved body image and live a more fulfilled life with their curvy spines. We are bent but not broken. I offer one to one classes for clients with scoliosis. Each class is tailored to you and your beautiful curves.


Amanda is a miracle worker – she exudes dynamism, knowledge ,encouragement, determination and enthusiasm. My scoliosis back has not looked back (!) since starting my scoliosis-oriented seances with Amanda.    I now walk alot taller, physically and mentally, and have lost the sense of ‘I better not do that, it will be bad for my back’  rubbish !  get onwith it !  My back is getting stronger and stronger thanks to Amanda.